Just me and my best bud (a stuffed animal Bulldog I've named Rupert R Ruffington) sharing a tender moment!
What is nonsense?
Let's break it down. It's a word with old French origins. You could call it a feeling not able to articulate with words or concrete existence. Other interpretations I like equivocate it to being not conscious inwardly of one's one state or condition. But my favorite is this: Nonsense is the obsession with small, self-proclaimed importance amid (and ignorant of) the complex world around us. Nonsense is the art of walking sideways towards the truth.
An example - here's a video of Rupert R Ruffington (the dog above) meeting another furry friend (Señor Pugglesworth - a stuffed pug) You can buy your own plush pets here!
1 )If you like short six second songs with hyper-dense lyrics, check out my Vine Page!
2) For essays, poems, song drafts, and other rambles, mosey over to my blog: Odes and Nonsense !
Examples : Poems about beggars on horseback, music about faking to survive, and stories about the significance of homemade wooden ties.
3) And, if you want an enormous backlog of creative work and a sneak peek at upcoming projects, become a Patron on my Patreon account for pennies a day!
“Jara Jones (who played Claudius and the Ghost) - WHAT A PERFORMANCE!!! So dramatic, so “juicy” and compelling, so provocatively clever and just plain good acting! When he came out-YOU WOKE! ”